Wedding Ceremony

Marriage is an event that is very sacred, it is a symbol that binds two hearts together to form a family. Marriage is one proof of God's word which says that every human being has a pair each. 
In general, marriage is always celebrated with a ceremony that aims to inform or to simply share the happiness with relatives or relations. This is because marriage is something very sacred and should be done only once for life. Every couple who perform a wedding ceremony vows to each other faithfully until the end of life.
Tradition or habit that is often done in every wedding ceremony is the bride throws her wedding flowers to invitations to attend. The audience, especially women, usually fighting over the wedding flowers. They were all fighting for the interest is there an assumption that people who get these rates will soon follow to do weddings. Whether the assumption is true or not, but the habit has gone on heredity.
When you've done the wedding ceremony, the honeymoon is the next event. In this honeymoon period, the bride to spend time together while enjoying the good times of marriage. There may be no other than the most beautiful moments of the honeymoon.
So how wonderful the early days of marriage, from wedding to honeymoon filled with pleasure.Wait for the next article will discuss more about the marriage.   

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